What Are the Best Biohacking Books to Read?
For books, timing is everything. The moment you first encounter a particular book is the right time to read it.
Marie Kondo – The Life Changing Magic of Tidying
On my journey to learning how to live a better life I have come across recommended books to read.
Like anything in this world there are some books that are great reads with information that shapes your decisions and thoughts.
I will keep a list of my favourite books that have done this for me in the list below.
I hope to try write my thoughts of what I read in each book as a post for you to read. However, I might just have a link to the book on Amazon so you can get yourself a copy if you wish in the meantime.
Recommended Books
Nutrition Books
- The Salt Fix: Why the Experts Got It All Wrong and How Eating More Might Save Your Life by Dr. James DiNicolantonio.
- The Great Cholesterol Con: The Truth About What Really Causes Heart Disease and How to Avoid It by Dr Malcolm Kendrick.
- Ignore the Awkward: How the Cholesterol Myths Are Kept Alive by Dr Uffe Ravnskov.
- Head Strong: The Bulletproof Plan to Activate Untapped Brain Energy to Work Smarter and Think Faster-in Just Two WeeksHead Strong: The Bulletproof Plan to Activate Untapped Brain Energy to Work Smarter and Think Faster-in Just Two Weeks” /] by Dave Asprey.
Psychology Books
- Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell.
Exercise Books
- Body by Science: A Research Based Program to Get the Results You Want in 12 Minutes a Week by Dr Doug McGuff & John R. Little.
Best Meat Cookbooks
From basic grilling on a BBQ in the Summer, to being able to have a good chat with your local butcher about what cut of meat works best for different ways of cooking; check out the top ten recommended books all about cooking meat.
Best Keto Cookbooks
From the classic atkins diet dish of bacon and eggs to more exotic keto dishes like: keto bread, keto pizza, keto coconut porridge and keto-friendly desserts, check out the top ten recommended books all about cooking low carbohydrate, moderate protein and high fat ingredients.
Best Low Carb Cookbooks
From easy low carb meals like low carb salad and meat dishes, to delicious low carb dessert options like coconut cream and berries drizzled with dark chocolate, check out the top ten recommended books all about cooking low carbohydrate, healthy protein and fat ingredients.
Best Gluten-Free Cookbooks
From easy gluten free meal plans for breakfast, lunch and dinner to how to make gluten-free bread and pasta dishes, check out the top ten recommended books all about cooking grain-free, healthy protein and fat ingredients.