Here is a list of interesting online tools and statistic articles to help you keep you informed.
Online Tools
Net Carb Calculator for Keto
Use the free online net carb calculator to work out how many net carbs are in the low carb/keto-friendly food according to the food label nutrition facts. Also learn how it is not all straight forward when calculating using different sugar alcohols.
Glucose Ketone Index Calculator for Keto
Use the free online GKI calculator to work how much your GKI score is whilst you are on a ketogenic diet and to see if you are in the desired range for possible therapeutic benefit according to the research done by Meidenbauer, Mukherjee & Seyfried.
Blood Sugar Converter
Use the free online converter to help you quickly convert mmol/l to mg/dl glucose levels or mg/dl to mmol/l glucose levels.
Blue Light Filter Test
Use the free online tests to easily see how well your glasses or software are able to 100% block or only filter out blue light to different degrees. The test includes a green color test which can also disturb sleep patterns.
iPhone Blue Light Filter Options
Find out how to reduce the amount of blue light that can be seen from an iPhone screen. Use these free software options to help protect your body clock from excess blue light disruption.
Sleep Cycle Calculator
Use the free online sleep calculator quickly work out what time you need to go to bed depending on when you want to wake up in order to get enough sleep cycles. Plus work out if you went to bed now then how many sleep cycles are linked to what time would should you wake up.
Recommended Podcast Playlists
Carnivore Diet Podcasts
Lst of top podcast shows to follow about eating an all meat diet.
Low-Carb Diet Podcasts
List of top podcast shows to follow about eating a low carbohydrate diet.
Keto Diet Podcasts
List of top podcast shows to follow about eating a ketogenic diet.
Research Statistics
Alcohol Statistics
Easily see in graphs and easy to read tables the official statistics on alcohol related disease and deaths in the United States.