Last Updated: 20 September 2023

Reviewed by the BioHackers Lab Team | Last updated: September 20, 2023

With potential benefits such as improved energy level, enhanced cognitive function, and anti-aging effects, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) IV therapy is becoming a well-known wellness trend. Yet, consulting a qualified healthcare provider and being cautious of IV bars lacking proper oversight are all important steps.

Woman feeling good with NAD IV Therapy illustration

Key Takeaways:

  • NAD IV therapy allows for direct and rapid absorption of NAD into the bloodstream.
  • Higher levels of NAD may boost energy and enhance physical performance.
  • By potentially slowing age-related changes, NAD may contribute to overall health and longevity.
  • NAD may protect neurons and potentially improve cognitive issues like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  • The potential regulation of blood flow by NAD may help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • NAD may play a role in managing addictive behaviors.

NAD IV therapy has become increasingly popular in the health and wellness industry. It involves injecting NAD directly into the bloodstream and is an alternative option to NAD+ supplementation for some.

NAD is a molecule found in the body and is essential for various cellular processes, including energy production and DNA repair.

Adding to its appeal, IV therapy bars – or drip bars – have been popping up, offering NAD IV therapy in stylish settings or the convenience of your home.

But, does this often costly treatment really live up to its claims?

Though NAD IV therapy may hold potential benefits, it’s important to prioritize safety and understand that individual responses may vary.

What Are the Health Benefits of NAD IV Therapy?

While NAD IV therapy holds promise, it’s an area of ongoing research, and its benefits are not yet fully established.

Dr. Rosmy Barrios, a medical advisor for the Health Reporter and a regenerative medicine specialist, noted,

“NAD IV therapy differs from other methods of NAD supplementation, like oral supplements, as it allows for direct delivery [of NAD] into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system and potentially leading to quicker and more efficient absorption.”

We know that preliminary research has highlighted several potential advantages associated with NAD, such as:

  • Enhanced Energy Levels: NAD aids cellular metabolism, converting glucose into energy. As we age, declining NAD levels can impair mitochondrial function and energy production, contributing to age-related issues. An IV infusion of NAD may improve physical performance and overall energy levels by boosting the cells’ ability to generate energy.
  • Promotes Healthy Aging: NAD decline is linked to various age-related conditions. Studies suggest that maintaining higher NAD levels may slow age-related changes, potentially improving overall health and longevity.
  • Cognitive Support: NAD may protect neurons from oxidative stress and inflammation linked to neurodegenerative disorders. Initial findings suggest that NAD supplementation could help combat cognitive issues like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  • Cardiovascular Health: NAD potentially regulates blood flow and supports blood vessel function. It may prevent heart failure, high blood pressure, and irregular heartbeat. Boosting NAD levels might aid in preventing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Cancer Prevention: NAD is vital for DNA repair and cell cycle regulation. Ongoing research hints at NAD’s potential to prevent cancer by participating in these important cellular processes, although more research is needed to fully understand this relationship.
  • Weight Management: NAD helps regulate fat breakdown and utilization, supporting metabolic functions. Increasing NAD levels may activate proteins helping with energy production and protecting against metabolic disorders, potentially contributing to weight maintenance.
  • Addiction: Research has indicated that boosting NAD levels could potentially play a role in addressing addictive behaviors. These studies suggest that NAD might offer assistance in mitigating cravings and alleviating withdrawal symptoms for individuals with food addiction and substance abuse. While these preliminary findings are encouraging, additional research is needed to establish NAD’s efficacy and to outline the most effective approaches for integrating NAD into addiction therapy.

What Are the Side Effects of NAD IV Therapy?

When administered under the supervision of qualified healthcare providers, NAD IV therapy is generally safe. However, some people experience adverse reactions, especially those with certain preexisting medical conditions or sensitivities.

Barrios told BioHackers Lab although they are generally mild and transient, common side effects include:

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Sensation of warmth during the infusion

“In comparison to other forms of NAD supplementation, such as oral supplements, NAD IV therapy could potentially lead to more immediate side effects due to the direct introduction of NAD into the bloodstream,” explained Barrios.

When asked about the infusion rate of NAD IV therapy, Barrios noted that rapid infusion might cause discomfort, nausea, and potentially even more severe symptoms. To mitigate this risk, NAD IV therapy must be infused at a controlled rate.

These potential side effects highlight the significance of receiving NAD IV therapy under the supervision of knowledgeable medical professionals. This oversight ensures correct dosing, careful monitoring, and prompt management of any unexpected reactions.

Does NAD IV Therapy Work?

A small study focused on NAD infusion suggests that the body’s cells rapidly used up infused NAD+ and its metabolites. Additionally, no adverse effects were reported in the study. However, the effectiveness of NAD IV therapy is still under investigation.

Barrios advised prioritizing safety, “Before starting the therapy, consult a qualified healthcare professional who can assess your health status, medical history, and suitability for the treatment. Be sure to disclose any pre-existing medical conditions or medications you’re taking.”

Following the healthcare provider’s recommendations, including dosing and infusion rate, will allow for a safe experience. Monitoring for any unexpected reactions during and after the infusion is also advised.

Overall, open communication with the provider and adherence to their guidance are key to ensuring a positive and successful NAD IV therapy experience.


Does NAD IV therapy work for addiction? 

NAD IV therapy shows promise for addiction treatment, potentially helping manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms, but more research is needed to fully understand its effectiveness.

What are NAD IV therapy contraindications?

NAD IV therapy might not be appropriate for people with certain medical conditions or sensitivities. People with liver or kidney issues may need extra monitoring during NAD IV therapy. Additionally, NAD IV therapy could interact with other medications, and its safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding is uncertain, so it’s advisable to avoid it unless recommended by your healthcare provider.

How do I check if NAD IV therapy is working?

According to Barrios, “Specific tests and assessments like measurements of energy levels, cognitive function, and overall well-being can be considered. Biomarkers related to cellular health and metabolic function could also be evaluated to provide a comprehensive view of the therapy’s impact.” You may also consider testing your NAD levels

Is NAD IV therapy safe?

NAD IV therapy is generally considered safe when administered by qualified healthcare professionals, but there can be risks of adverse reactions. Be cautious and seek treatment from reputable providers to ensure your safety and well-being during the therapy.

Who is NAD IV therapy good for?

NAD IV therapy may benefit a range of people with different health needs. It may be helpful for people interested in supporting anti-aging efforts, seeking relief from chronic fatigue, or aiming to improve athletic performance. However, NAD IV therapy’s exact indications are not fully established.

Final Thoughts

NAD IV therapy seems promising, although its full scope is still being studied. If you’re considering this treatment, speak to a knowledgeable healthcare professional to assess its suitability.

Discuss any existing medical conditions, medications, and allergies, and adhere to their recommendations. Be cautious of IV therapy companies with no proper oversight and those making exaggerated claims. Closely monitor your response to the infusion and maintain open communication with your healthcare provider for a safe and effective experience.

Maggie Aime RN

Maggie Aime, MSN, RN

Maggie Aime, MSN, RN is a freelance health, wellness, and medical personal finance writer. Her extensive nursing experience includes oncology, kidney transplant, cardiology, and home health. Read more about her work at
